Risto Flink

A hand holding a pen, about to write something in a project planner.

Habit tracking app with Python and MongoDB

This habit tracker was built on HTML, CSS and Python. Flask, which is a micro web framework, was used to implement all the necessary functionalities to make a webpage. These include redirecting users to the correct views and some basic database interactions. The database utilized in this project was MongoDB.

Users can add new habits that are then saved to a database, and displayed under each day in the calendar. The user can then click the habits and a checkmark icon is then displayed to show this habit was done on that specific day. Any visitor can add new habits, so an improvement over the current design would be to implement a user registration and login feature. Habits that are marked as done, cannot be unchecked either.

Technologies used:

  • Python
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • MongoDB
View in production